I am a Foster Wheeler employee. In India they have two type of office one in Energy Group another is Power Group.I am in Energy Group in Kolkata office .It start here in 2006 November. But within 1.5 years this MNC became just like contarct company.Thats mean the job security became too low for permanent employee.
Salary and Benefit:- In Foster Wheeler Salary is average now a days.Actually it has no fixed salary structure for particular experienced guy .It has a range of limit in salary .So if u get the offer so dont hesitate to bargain as much as possible because they expect it.Because in last two years it is seen at same experience, same capability, same position salary of a two employee have a huge difference, its not a joke its fact.
Job Security:-In Foster India job security is Big "?".At beginning it looks very stable but when the time came it pull out its claw.In last global economic meltdown in 2009 they sag contract & many permanent employee.But that time they have project compare to other popular firm.That time they sag valuable employee .it is seen an employee who get apprising letter from client side from simultaneous two project, they cant say "We cant afford you" but they give it a name "Corporate reconstruction on Performance Basis".And they put the Pink Slip in your hand within 1 minute, whatever written(3 month notice on both side) in employee handbook.